The last 24 months have turned the world of work on its axis as advances in technology empower both top employees and savvy employers to harness the proliferation of social platforms to develop attractive and compelling “brands.” Toss in the impact of COVID-19 on the employment market over the past five months and we have… Read more »
Category: News
Why You Should Consider Interim Employment
In today’s new World of Work, many companies are navigating different ways of approaching how they structure their workforce. Key to this challenge is the contingent workforce, which has pivoted into the limelight during the pandemic as these workers take on a growing number of important jobs. For people who have been displaced from their… Read more »
STAR Update – September 2020
Preserving Company Culture in a Remote World of Work For many businesses, working the “9-to-5” in a centralized office is a thing of the past — at least for the time being. Even when you and your people are able to physically return to your workplaces, you’ll most likely find that practices such as working… Read more »
Four Ways to Strengthen Your Personal Brand
Your personal brand has a significant impact on your career. However, many people overlook how they represent themselves online. While there are millions of professionals “on” platforms like LinkedIn, many neglect to proactively build their reputation and leverage it to boost and support their careers. So, how can you actively develop your brand and use… Read more »
Preserving Company Culture in a Remote World of Work
For many businesses, working the “9-to-5” in a centralized office is a thing of the past – at least for the time being. Even when you and your people are able to physically return to your workplaces, you’ll most likely find that practices such as working remotely continue in some form. ”Adapting your company culture… Read more »
Employment Summary for August 2020
Employment Summary for August 2020 Showing signs that the U.S. economy is settling in for a slow and steady recovery after a three month stretch of a rapid rebound, the U.S. economy added 1.4 million non-farm jobs in August and unemployment fell to 8.4 percent in U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data reported today. The… Read more »
Starting a New Remote Job During the Pandemic
If you’re starting a new job during the ongoing pandemic, it is likely that you won’t have the customary onboarding experience of even six months ago. Instead of spending a day or two in orientation, meeting your co-workers, picking up your laptop and being taken out to lunch, your introduction to your new job will… Read more »
Why Interim Staffing Makes Even More Sense During Times of Crisis
Why Interim Staffing Makes Even More Sense During Times of Crisis A brief review of the history of interim staffing throws light on the evolution of the industry. Three “black swan” events were major disruptors that contributed to the thriving business it is today, according to Tim Ozier, Sr. Director of Sales at MRINetwork: Y2K… Read more »
Can Too Many Video Conference Calls Impact WFH Productivity?
The WFH model is now an integral feature of virtually every white-collar professional’s daily routine. Freed from the daily grind of an energy-draining commute to the office, most knowledge industry workers report they are starting work earlier and fully engaged for longer hours. This would seem to be a recipe for added productivity, particularly when… Read more »
Employment Summary for July 2020
Employment Summary for July 2020 Despite recent COVID-19 spikes the U.S. economy added 1.8 million jobs and unemployment fell to 10.2 percent providing support to the optimism reflected in the continued financial market rally. Economist forecasts had anticipated a weaker rebound with an addition of about 1.4 million jobs. Instead the U.S. Bureau of Labor… Read more »